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authorThomas Letan <>2022-08-12 17:25:31 +0200
committerThomas Letan <>2022-08-12 17:36:49 +0200
commit20efde08216f3ff190fb01eeadd8e892fac8d28c (patch)
parentMore black (diff)
Rework the article to be more straightforward
2 files changed, 31 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/site/ b/site/
index 3aac0d2..a64075e 100644
--- a/site/
+++ b/site/
@@ -13,9 +13,8 @@ time being.
know. From the creation of a Lisp package up to the creation of a
standalone executable, we explore the shore of this strange beast.
-- [[./posts/RankNTypesInOCaml.html][Rank-N Types in OCaml]] ::
- Programmers learning a strongly typed, functional programming
- languages like OCaml are quickly introduced to the notion of
- /polymorphism/ as a way to generalize types over types. Rank-N types
- are a class of polymorphic types that are cumbersome to write in
- OCaml, and we explore how it can be done in this article.
+- [[./posts/RankNTypesInOCaml.html][Writing a Function Whose Argument is a Polymorphic Function in OCaml]] ::
+ In OCaml, it is not possible to write a function whose argument is a
+ polymorphic function. Trying to write such a function results in the
+ type-checker complaining back at you. The trick to be able to write
+ such a function is to use records.
diff --git a/site/posts/ b/site/posts/
index 420db64..fb21e4b 100644
--- a/site/posts/
+++ b/site/posts/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#+TITLE: Rank-N Types in OCaml
+#+TITLE: Writing a Function Whose Argument is a Polymorphic Function in OCaml
#+SERIES: ../miscellaneous.html
#+SERIES_PREV: ./DiscoveringCommonLisp.html
@@ -7,115 +7,47 @@
<div id="history">site/posts/</div>
-Programmers learning a strongly typed, functional programming
-languages like OCaml are quickly introduced to the notion of
-/polymorphism/ as a way to generalize types over types.
-Lists are /polymorphic/: you implement them once, and they work for
-any type they can throw at them. Functions over lists are
-/polymorphic/: you can fold over a list containing values of any type
-\im t \mi as long as you provide a consistent function (that is, a
-function whose domain is \im t \mi
-The ~list~ type and the types of the functions you expect to find in a
-~List~ module are called /rank-1 types/ in the Haskell
-community[fn::And first order polymorphism in the OCaml community? I
-am not totally sure, so I will stick to the rank terminology.]. As the
-name suggests, (1) yes [[][/rank-N types/]] exist (for \im N > 1 \mi), and
-(2) /rank-N types/ are more expressive.
-Consider a function that takes a identity function, uses it on its
-input, and returns the output as its result. A straightforward
-implementation for said function is
-#+begin_src ocaml :results both
-let f x id = id x
-Now, consider a function that a second function which also takes the
-identify function as its input, but uses it on values of two different
-types. This time, the implementation in OCaml is not that easy, and
-the “naive” attempt will fail.
+In OCaml, it is not possible to write a function whose argument is a
+polymorphic function. Trying to write such a function results in the
+type-checker complaining back at you.
#+begin_src ocaml :results verbatim :exports both
-let g (type a b) id (x : a) (y : b) = (id x, id y)
+let foo (type a b) id (x : a) (y : b) = (id x, id y)
-: Line 1, characters 56-57:
-: 1 | let g (type a b) id (x : a) (y : b) = (id x, id y);;
-: ^
+: Line 1, characters 50-51:
+: 1 | let foo (type a b) id (x : a) (y : b) = (id x, id y);;
+: ^
: Error: This expression has type b but an expression was expected of type a
-When OCaml tries to type-check ~g~, it first wrongly deduces ~id~ is a
-function of type ~a -> ?~ because of ~id x~, then fails when trying to
+When OCaml tries to type-check ~foo~, it infers ~id~ expects an
+argument of type ~a~ because of ~id x~, then fails when trying to
type-check ~id y~.
-In a nutshell, ~g~ can be polymorphic, but ~id~ (within ~g~'s
-definition) can’t. This is because ~g~'s type is a rank-1 type, while
-we want a rank-2 type.
+The trick to be able to write ~foo~ is to use records. Indeed, while
+the argument of a function cannot be polymorphic, the field of a
+record can. This effectively makes it possible to write ~foo~, at the
+cost us a level of indirection.
-In Haskell, it is possible to write rank-N types using the
-~RankNTypes~ language extension[fn::As often is Haskell, “there is a
-pragma for this.”]. On the contrary, the OCaml type system’s support
-for rank-N type functions is a bit lacking. For instance, it is not
-possible to annotate the type of ~id~ with something akin to ~type
-c. c -> c~.
-Now, it /is/ possible to write ~g~ in OCaml, by encompassing ~id~
-inside either a record, a first class module, or an object. This
-indirection is necessary to hide the additional order of polymorphism,
-effectively turning ~g~ into a rank-1 type function.
-The most efficient way is probably to define a record with one field,
-because it is possible to tell OCaml to remove the introduced
-indirection with the ~unboxed~ annotation.
-#+begin_src ocaml :results verbatim :exports both
-type id = {id : 'a. 'a -> 'a} [@@unboxed]
+#+begin_src ocaml :results verbatim :exports code
+type id = {id : 'a. 'a -> 'a}
-let g {id} x y =
+let foo {id} x y =
(id x, id y)
-: type id = { id : 'a. 'a -> 'a; } [@@unboxed]
-: val g : id -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a * 'b = <fun>
-To call ~g~, one now needs to wrap the identify function in the ~id~
+From a runtime perspective, it is possible to tell OCaml to remove the
+introduced indirection with the ~unboxed~ annotation. There is nothing
+we can do in the source, though. We need to destruct ~id~ in ~foo~,
+and we need to construct it at its call-site.
#+begin_src ocaml :exports code
g {id = fun x -> x}
-When you find yourself in a situation where you have to
-compose rank-N type functions together, this can impact readability
-(and —arguably— writability too).
-A first class module is also a sensible choice, but it is not possible
-to “unbox” it as for the single-field record, and it is a bit more
-verbose too.
-#+begin_src ocaml :results verbatim :exports code
-module type S = sig
- val f : 'a -> 'a
-type id = (module S)
-let g : id -> int * bool =
- fun (module Id) -> (Id.f 1, Id.f true)
-let id : id = (module struct let f x = x end : S)
-let (x, y) = g id
-: module type S = sig val f : 'a -> 'a end
-: type id = (module S)
-: val g : id -> int * bool = <fun>
-: val id : id = <module>
-: val x : int = 1
-: val y : bool = true
+As a consequence, this solution is not a silver bullet, but it is an
+option that is worth considering if, /e.g./, it allows to export a
+cleaner API to the consumer of a module[fn::Personally, I have been
+considering this trick recently to remove the need for a library to be
+implemented as a functor].