path: root/site/posts/
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Diffstat (limited to 'site/posts/')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/site/posts/ b/site/posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8fcc3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#+TITLE: Neovim, OCaml Interfaces, Tree-Sitter and LSP
+Can we all agree that witnessing syntax highlighting being absolutely off is
+probably the most annoying thing that can happen to anybody?
+I mean, just look at this horror.
+#+CAPTION: Syntax highlighting being absolutely wrong
+#+NAME: fig:wrong-highlingting
+What you are looking at is the result of trying to enable ~tree-sitter~ for
+OCaml hacking and calling it a day. In a nutshell, OCaml ~mli~ files are
+quickly turning into a random mess of nonsensical colors, and I didn’t know
+why. I tried to blame
+but of course I was wrong.
+The issue is subtle, and to be honest, I don’t know if I totally grasp it. But
+from my rough understanding, it breaks down as follows.
+- ~tree-sitter-ocaml~ defines two grammars: ~ocaml~ for the ~ml~ files, and
+ ~ocaml_interface~ (but ~ocamlinterface~ also works) for the ~mli~ files
+- By default, neovim uses the filetype ~ocaml~ for ~mli~ files, so the incorrect
+ parser is being used for syntax highlighting. This explains the root issue
+- Bonus: ~ocamllsp~ does not recognize the ~ocamlinterface~ filetype by
+ default (but somehow use the ~ocaml.interface~ id for ~mli~ files…[fn::There
+ is probably something to be done here.])
+So, in order to have both ~tree-sitter~ and ~ocamllsp~ working at the same time,
+I had to tweak my configuration a little bit.
+#+begin_src lua
+ cmd = { 'ocamllsp', '--fallback-read-dot-merlin' },
+ -- Necessary to get tree sitter to work with .mli files
+ filetypes = vim.list_extend(
+ require('lspconfig.server_configurations.ocamllsp')
+ .default_config
+ .filetypes,
+ { 'ocamlinterface' }
+ ),
+vim.cmd([[au! BufNewFile,BufRead *.mli setfiletype ocamlinterface]])
+And now, I am blessed with a consistent syntax highlighting for my ~mli~ files.
+#+CAPTION: Syntax highlighting being absolutely wrong
+#+NAME: fig:wrong-highlingting