path: root/lib/lkn/core/puppeteer.ex
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/lkn/core/puppeteer.ex')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/lib/lkn/core/puppeteer.ex b/lib/lkn/core/puppeteer.ex
index 5044865..a164e1a 100644
--- a/lib/lkn/core/puppeteer.ex
+++ b/lib/lkn/core/puppeteer.ex
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
defmodule Lkn.Core.Puppeteer do
alias Lkn.Core.Instance
alias Lkn.Core.Name
+ alias Lkn.Core.Specs
@typedoc """
A key to identify and reach a given Puppeteer.
@@ -30,94 +31,93 @@ defmodule Lkn.Core.Puppeteer do
@type m :: module
@type init_args :: any
- @type state :: any
- defmacro __using__(state: state_t) do
- quote do
- use Lkn.Prelude
- use GenServer
- alias Lkn.Core.Instance
- alias Lkn.Core, as: L
- @type state :: unquote(state_t)
- defmodule State do
- @moduledoc false
- defstruct [
- :puppeteer_key,
- :map_key,
- :instance_key,
- :state,
- ]
- @type t :: %State{
- puppeteer_key: Puppeteer.k,
- instance_key: Lkn.Prelude.Option.t(Instance.k),
- map_key: Lkn.Prelude.Option.t(L.Map.k),
- state: unquote(state_t),
- }
- @spec new(Puppeteer.t, unquote(state_t)) :: t
- def new(pk, s) do
- %State{
- puppeteer_key: pk,
- instance_key: Lkn.Prelude.Option.nothing(),
- map_key: Lkn.Prelude.Option.nothing(),
- state: s,
- }
- end
- end
- def init({puppeteer_key, args}) do
- {:ok, s} = init_state(args)
- {:ok, State.new(puppeteer_key, s)}
- end
- def handle_cast({:leave_instance, instance_key}, state) do
- if state.instance_key == Lkn.Prelude.Option.some(instance_key) do
- s2 = leave_instance(state.state, instance_key)
+ @type state :: any
- Instance.unregister_puppeteer(instance_key, state.puppeteer_key)
+ defmacro defpuppeteer(name, do: block) do
+ state_type = quote do Lkn.Core.Puppeteer.state end
+ key_type = quote do Lkn.Core.Puppeteer.k end
+ key_to_name = &(Lkn.Core.Name.puppeteer(&1))
- {:noreply, %State{state|instance_key: Lkn.Prelude.Option.nothing(), state: s2}}
- else
- {:noreply, state}
+ quote do
+ defmodule unquote(name) do
+ unquote(Specs.gen_server_from_specs(block, key_type, key_to_name, state_type))
+ defmacro __using__(_) do
+ quote do
+ @behaviour unquote(__MODULE__)
+ @behaviour Lkn.Core.Puppeteer
+ use GenServer
+ alias Lkn.Core.Instance
+ alias Lkn.Core, as: L
+ defmodule State do
+ @moduledoc false
+ defstruct [
+ :puppeteer_key,
+ :map_key,
+ :instance_key,
+ :state,
+ ]
+ @type t :: %State{
+ puppeteer_key: Puppeteer.k,
+ instance_key: Lkn.Prelude.Option.t(Instance.k),
+ map_key: Lkn.Prelude.Option.t(L.Map.k),
+ state: Lkn.Core.Puppeteer.state,
+ }
+ @spec new(Puppeteer.t, Lkn.Core.Puppeteer.state) :: t
+ def new(pk, s) do
+ %State{
+ puppeteer_key: pk,
+ instance_key: Lkn.Prelude.Option.nothing(),
+ map_key: Lkn.Prelude.Option.nothing(),
+ state: s,
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def init({puppeteer_key, args}) do
+ {:ok, s} = init_state(args)
+ {:ok, State.new(puppeteer_key, s)}
+ end
+ def handle_cast({:leave_instance, instance_key}, state) do
+ if state.instance_key == Lkn.Prelude.Option.some(instance_key) do
+ s2 = leave_instance(state.state, instance_key)
+ Instance.unregister_puppeteer(instance_key, state.puppeteer_key)
+ {:noreply, %State{state|instance_key: Lkn.Prelude.Option.nothing(), state: s2}}
+ else
+ {:noreply, state}
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_cast({:spec, {name, args}}, state) do
+ s = :erlang.apply(__MODULE__, name, [state.puppeteer_key|args]++[state.state])
+ {:noreply, %State{state|state: s}}
+ end
+ def handle_call({:find_instance, map_key}, _from, state) do
+ instance_key = Lkn.Core.Pool.register_puppeteer(map_key, state.puppeteer_key, __MODULE__)
+ state = %State{state|instance_key: Lkn.Prelude.Option.some(instance_key)}
+ {:reply, instance_key, state}
+ end
+ def handle_call({:spec, {name, args}}, _call, state) do
+ {res, s} = :erlang.apply(__MODULE__, name, [state.puppeteer_key|args] ++ [state.state])
+ {:reply, res, %State{state|state: s}}
+ end
+ end
- def handle_cast({:specific, msg}, state) do
- s2 = puppeteer_handle_cast(msg, state.state)
- {:noreply, %State{state|state: s2}}
- end
- def handle_call({:find_instance, map_key}, _from, state) do
- instance_key = Lkn.Core.Pool.register_puppeteer(map_key, state.puppeteer_key, __MODULE__)
- state = %State{state|instance_key: Lkn.Prelude.Option.some(instance_key)}
- {:reply, instance_key, state}
- end
- def puppeteer_handle_cast(_msg, state) do
- state
- end
- def handle_info(msg, state) do
- state = %State{state|state: handle_message(state.state, msg)}
- {:noreply, state}
- end
- def cast(puppeteer_key, msg) do
- GenServer.cast(Name.puppeteer(puppeteer_key), {:specific, msg})
- end
- @behaviour Lkn.Core.Puppeteer
- defoverridable [
- puppeteer_handle_cast: 2,
- ]
@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ defmodule Lkn.Core.Puppeteer do
GenServer.start_link(module, {puppeteer_key, args}, name: Name.puppeteer(puppeteer_key))
- @callback handle_message(state, any) :: state
@callback init_state(init_args) :: {:ok, state}|:error
@callback leave_instance(state, Instance.k) :: state