AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-08-28Clean-up the codebase and the teststyped-urls-0.1Thomas Letan
2021-08-28Release a first version under the terms of the MPL 2.0Thomas Letan
2021-08-20Fix build for recent version of synThomas Letan
2020-10-23Turn typed-urls-tera into a feature and introduce the actix featureThomas Letan
2020-10-22Derive Serialize implementationThomas Letan
2020-10-22Remove the Routing trait in favor of the more logical TypedUrlThomas Letan
2020-10-21Introduce typed-urls-teraThomas Letan
2020-10-21Implement DisplayThomas Letan
2020-10-21Make [to_string] publicThomas Letan
2020-10-21Export TypedUrlThomas Letan
2020-10-21Rename into typed-urlsThomas Letan
2020-10-21Clean-up the codeThomas Letan
2020-10-21Initial commitThomas Letan