Bootstrapping an Extensible Toolchain

#+END_EXPORT A literate program is a particular type of software program where code is not directly written in source files, but rather in text document as code snippets. In some sense, literate programming allows for writing in the same place both the software program and its technical documentation. That being said, *~cleopatra~* is a toolchain to build a website before being a literate program, and one of its objective is to be /part of this very website it is used to generate/. To acheive this, *~cleopatra~* has been written as a collection of org files which can be either “tangled” using [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/][Babel]] or “exported” as a HTML document. Tangling here refers to extracted marked code blocks into files. The page you are currently reading is *~cleopatra~* entry point. Its primilarly purpose is to introduce two Makefiles: ~Makefile~ and ~bootstrap.mk~. #+TOC: headlines 2 * The Root of Generation ~Makefile~ serves two purposes: it initiates a few global variables, and it provides a rule to generate ~bootstrap.mk~. At this point, some readers may wonder /why/ we need ~Makefile~ in this context, and the motivation behind this choice is really reminescent of a boot sequence. The rationale is that we need a “starting point” for *~cleopatra~*. The toolchain cannot live solely inside org-files, otherwise there would not have any code to execute the first time we tried to generate the website. We need an initial Makefile, one that has little chance to change, so that we can almost consider it read-only. Contrary to the other Makefiles that we will generate, this one will not be deleted by ~make clean~. This is similar to your computer: it requires a firmware to boot, whose purpose —in a nutshell— is to find and load an operating system. Modifying the content of ~Makefile~ in this document /will/ modify ~Makefile~. This means one can easily put *~cleopatra~* into an inconsistent state, which would prevent further generation. This is why the generated ~Makefile~ should be versioned, so that you can restore it using ~git~ if you made a mistake when you modified it. We now detail the rules introduce by ~Makefile~, and why they effectively bootstrap a generation process. For readers interested in using *~cleopatra~* for their own websites, we highlight the potential modifications they would have to make. ** Global Constants and Variables First, ~Makefile~ defines several global “constants” (although as far as I know ~make~ does not support true constant values, it is expected further generation “components” will not modify them). In a nutshell, - ~ROOT~ :: Tell Emacs where the root of your website sources is, so that tangled output filenames can be given relative to it rather than the org files. So for instance, the ~BLOCK_SRC~ headers for ~Makefile~ looks like #+BEGIN_SRC org #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle Makefile :noweb tangle #+END_SRC instead of, /e.g./, #+BEGIN_SRC org #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle ../../../Makefile :noweb tangle #+END_SRC - ~CLEODIR~ :: Tell *~cleopatra~* where its sources live. If you place it inside the ~site/~ directory (as it is intended), and you enable the use of ~org~ files to author your contents, then *~cleopatra~* documents will be part of your website. If you don’t want that, just move the directory outside the ~site/~ directory, and update the ~CLEODIR~ variable accordingly. - ~EMACS~ :: Tell *~cleopatra~* the command to use to call Emacs. You can modify it to use a custom Emacs you build yourself if you so desire. Note that the command *has to be prefixed by ~ROOT=${ROOT}~, otherwise the source defined in *~cleopatra~* documents will not be tangled in the right places. For this website, these constants are defined as follows. #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle Makefile :noweb tangle ROOT := $(shell pwd) CLEODIR := site/posts/meta EMACS := ROOT="${ROOT}" emacs TANGLE := --batch --load="${ROOT}/scripts/tangle-org.el" 2>> build.log #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle scripts/tangle-org.el (require 'org) (cd (getenv "ROOT")) (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil) (setq org-src-preserve-indentation t) (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((shell . t))) (org-babel-tangle) #+END_SRC We then introduce a variable that “generation” components will populate with their output files (using ~+=~). - ~GENFILES~ :: List *~cleopatra~* Makefiles and scripts tangled throughout the generation process (with the notable exception of ~Makefile~ itself). - ~GENSASS~ :: List auxiliary ~sass~ files which can be imported by the main ~sass~ files (see [[/posts/meta/Theme/][“Theming and Templating”]]). - ~CONTENTS~ :: List generated files which are part of the target website, and acts as inputs for ~soupault~. ~GENFILES~ is initiated with files obtained after tangling this very document. #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle Makefile GENFILES := CONTENTS := GENSASS := #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_REMARK One desired feature for *~cleopatra~* would be to let it populate ~GENFILES~ and ~GENSASS~ automatically, by looking for relevant ~:tangle~ directives. The challenge lies in the “relevant” part: the risk exists that we have false posivite. Whether or not it is an issue remains an open question. #+END_REMARK ** Bootstrapping The core purpose of ~Makefile~ remains *(1)* to bootstrap the generation process by generating and loading ~bootstrap.mk~, and *(2)* to enforce the ~build~ rules hopefully defined by the latter is called. For *(2)*, we introduce a ~default~ rule with ~build~ as a dependency. #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle Makefile :noweb tangle default: init-log build init-log: @echo "==============[CLEOPATRA BUILD LOG]==============" \ > build.log .PHONY: init-log default build #+END_SRC For *(1)*, we rely on a particular behavior of ~make~ regarding the ~include~ directive. If an operand of ~include~ does not yet exists, ~make~ will search for a rule to generate it. #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :noweb yes <> #+END_SRC ~&:~ is used in place of ~:~ to separate the target from its dependencies in this rule to tell to ~make~ that the runned commands will generate all these files. #+BEGIN_TODO Introduce ~noweb~ and ~extends~. #+END_TODO #+NAME: extends #+BEGIN_SRC bash :var MK="" :var IN="" :var GF="" :var GS="" :results output cat <>~. #+BEGIN_SRC verbatim <> #+END_SRC This means that modifying code block of ~<>~ is as “dangerous” as modifying ~Makefile~ itself. Keep that in mind if you start hacking *~cleopatra~*! For purpose of illustrations, here is the snippet generated by Babel from the previous source block. #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle Makefile :noweb yes <> #+END_SRC From now on, the bootstrap process is completed: further generation processes will fully be defined using literate programming, with no special treatment for its output. For instance, you may not want to use ~soupault~? You can! Just modify ~bootstrap.mk~ accordingly. * Generation Processes Thanks to ~<>~, *~cleopatra~* is easily extensible. In this section, we enumerate the generation processes that are currently used to generate the website you are reading. ** Authoring Contents The fact that *~cleopatra~* is a literate program which gradually generates itself was not intended: it is a consequence of my desire to be able to easily use whatever format I so desire for writing my contents, and Org documents in particular. In the present website, contents can be written in the following format: - Regular Coq files :: Coq is a system which allows to write machine-checked proofs, and it comes with a source “prettifier” called ~coqdoc~. [[/posts/meta/Contents/Coq/][Learn more about the generation process for Coq files​]] - Org documents :: Emacs comes with a powerful editing mode called [[https://orgmode.org/][Org mode]], and Org documents are really pleasant to work with. [[/posts/meta/Contents/Org/][Learn more about the generation process for Org documents]] If you want *~cleopatra~* to support more input formats, you have to 1. Create a org file which, once tangled, provide a dedicated makefile 2. Edit this file (~Bootstrap.org~) here, and use ~<>~ to make sure it is actually tangled when necessary #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle bootstrap.mk :noweb tangle :exports none <> <> #+END_SRC ** Theming and Templating #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle bootstrap.mk :noweb tangle :exports none <> #+END_SRC ** Postprocessing HTML using ~soupault~ #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle bootstrap.mk :noweb tangle :exports none <> #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle bootstrap.mk CONTENTS += soupault.conf #+END_SRC ** Wrapping-up #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle bootstrap.mk build : ${CONTENTS} @echo " run soupault" @soupault @echo " update .gitignore" @scripts/update-gitignore.sh ${CONTENTS} ${GENFILES} ${GENSASS} #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle scripts/update-gitignore.sh :tangle-mode (identity #o755) #!/bin/bash BEGIN_MARKER="# begin generated files" END_MARKER="# begin generated files" # remove the previous list of generated files to ignore sed -i -e "/${BEGIN_MARKER}/,/${END_MARKER}/d" .gitignore # remove trailing empty lines sed -i -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' .gitignore # output the list of files to ignore echo "" >> .gitignore echo ${BEGIN_MARKER} >> .gitignore for f in $@; do echo "${f}" >> .gitignore done echo ${END_MARKER} >> .gitignore #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle bootstrap.mk serve : @echo " start a python server" @cd build; python -m http.server 2>/dev/null clean : @echo " remove generated files" @rm -rf ${CONTENTS} ${GENFILES} build/ force : clean build .PHONY : serve clean force build #+END_SRC # Local Variables: # org-src-preserve-indentation: t # End: