A Series on Generating this Static Website

#+END_EXPORT The generation of this humble static website is far from being trivial, and require a combination of —too— many tools. It turned out that some choices I have made early on gave to the build toolchain I ended up writing a pretty nice property: I could easily integrate its code to the very website it was conceived to build, by means of [[http://www.literateprogramming.com/][literate programming]]! This series is just that: the literate programming document of my home-grown build toolchain, called *~cleopatra~*. The motivations behind this name are twofold. First, I wanted to follow the example of [[https://soupault.neocities.org/][~soupault~]], named after [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippe_Soupault][a famous personality]]. Secondly, one of my main objective when I started working on this “project” was to be able to easily use whatever format I wanted to author my contents. Did you know that Cleopatra was a reputed polyglot (at least according to [[https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyglotte][Wikipedia France]])? #+BEGIN_EXPORT html
#+END_EXPORT *Beware* this series is far from being complete. - [[/posts/meta/Bootstrap][Bootstrapping an Extensible Toolchain ~(WIP)~]] :: - [[/posts/meta/Contents][Authoring Content and HTML Generation ~(WIP)~]] :: - [[/posts/meta/Theme][Theming and Templating ~(WIP)~]] :: - [[/posts/meta/Soupault/][Soupault Configuration ~(WIP)~]] :: #+BEGIN_EXPORT html