
#+END_EXPORT This website could not exist without (many) awesome free software projects. Although I could not list them all even if I wanted, my desire is at least to try keeping up-to-date a curated description of the “main” ones. #+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil #+BEGIN_EXPORT html
#+END_EXPORT * Authoring Content - [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs][Emacs]] :: Emacs is an extensible editor which I use daily to author this website content, and write the code related to this website (and any code, really). It is part of the [[https://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu.html][GNU project]]. - [[https://orgmode.org/][Org mode]] :: Org mode is a major mode of Emacs which I use to author several posts. It has initially been written by [[https://staff.science.uva.nl/~dominik/][Carsten Dominik]], and is currently maintained by [[http://bzg.fr/][Bastien Guerry]]. - [[https://coq.inria.fr/][Coq]] :: Coq is a theorem prover and a proof assistant built by [[https://www.inria.fr/fr][Inria]]. Many of my posts on Coq are regular Coq file processed by ~coqdoc~. * Static Website Generation - [[https://soupault.neocities.org][soupault]] :: Soupault is a static website generator and HTML processor written by [[https://www.baturin.org/][Daniil Baturin]]. - [[https://github.com/sass/sassc][~sassc~]] :: ~sassc~ is a compiler for SASS files (actually, a wrapper around [[https://github.com/sass/libsass][~libsass~]]), authored by [[https://github.com/akhleung][Aaron Leung]], [[https://github.com/hcatlin][Hampton Catlin]], [[https://github.com/mgreter][Marcel Greter]], and [[https://github.com/xzyfer][Michael Mifsud]]. - [[https://cleopatra.soap.coffee][~cleopatra~]] :: ~cleopatra~ is a generic, extensible toolchain with facilities for literate programming projects using Org mode and more. I have written it for this very website. * Frontend - [[https://forkaweso.me/Fork-Awesome/][Fork Awesome]] :: Fork Awesome is a collection of icons for the web. It is a community fork of [[https://fontawesome.com/][Font Awesome]]. - [[https://katex.org][\im \KaTeX \mi]] :: \im \KaTeX \mi is the “fastest” math typesetting library for the web, and is uses to render inline mathematics in my posts at build time. It has been created by [[https://github.com/xymostech][Emily Eisenberg]] and [[https://sophiebits.com/][Sophie Alpert]], with the help of [[https://github.com/KaTeX/KaTeX/graphs/contributors][many contributors]]. - [[https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode][Fira Code]] :: Fira Code is a monospaced font by [[https://github.com/tonsky][Nikita Prokopov]] inspired with Fira Mono by the [[https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/][Mozilla Foundation]], with “programming ligatures” (/e.g./, =>>==, ====, =!==, etc.), and it is used here for verbatim content (principally source code). - [[https://github.com/productiontype/spectral][Spectral]] :: Spectral is an original typeface designed by Production Type, primarily intended for use inside Google’s Docs and Slides. It is used as the main font of this website. #+BEGIN_EXPORT html