#+TITLE: Writing a Function Whose Argument is a Polymorphic Function in OCaml #+SERIES: ../miscellaneous.html #+SERIES_PREV: ./DiscoveringCommonLisp.html #+BEGIN_EXPORT html
#+END_EXPORT In OCaml, it is not possible to write a function whose argument is a polymorphic function. Trying to write such a function results in the type-checker complaining back at you. #+begin_src ocaml :results verbatim :exports both let foo (type a b) id (x : a) (y : b) = (id x, id y) #+end_src #+RESULTS: : Line 1, characters 50-51: : 1 | let foo (type a b) id (x : a) (y : b) = (id x, id y);; : ^ : Error: This expression has type b but an expression was expected of type a When OCaml tries to type-check ~foo~, it infers ~id~ expects an argument of type ~a~ because of ~id x~, then fails when trying to type-check ~id y~. The trick to be able to write ~foo~ is to use records. Indeed, while the argument of a function cannot be polymorphic, the field of a record can. This effectively makes it possible to write ~foo~, at the cost us a level of indirection. #+begin_src ocaml :results verbatim :exports code type id = {id : 'a. 'a -> 'a} let foo {id} x y = (id x, id y) #+end_src From a runtime perspective, it is possible to tell OCaml to remove the introduced indirection with the ~unboxed~ annotation. There is nothing we can do in the source, though. We need to destruct ~id~ in ~foo~, and we need to construct it at its call-site. #+begin_src ocaml :exports code g {id = fun x -> x} #+end_src As a consequence, this solution is not a silver bullet, but it is an option that is worth considering if, /e.g./, it allows to export a cleaner API to the consumer of a module[fn::Personally, I have been considering this trick recently to remove the need for a library to be implemented as a functor].