A Series on coqffi

#+END_EXPORT ~coqffi~ generates Coq FFI modules from compiled OCaml interface modules (~.cmi~). In practice, it greatly reduces the hassle to mix together OCaml and Coq modules within the same codebase, especially when used together with the ~build~ build system. - [[./CoqffiIntro.org][~coqffi~ in a Nutshell]] :: For each entry of a ~cmi~ file, ~coqffi~ tries to generate an equivalent (from the extraction mechanism perspective) Coq definition. In this article, we walk through how ~coqffi~ works. - [[./CoqffiEcho.org][Implementing an Echo Server in Coq with ~coqffi~]] :: In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how ~coqffi~ can be used to implement an echo server, /i.e./, a TCP server which sends back any input it receives from its clients.