Release of colorless-themes-0.2, nordless-theme-0.2, and lavenderless-theme-0.2

February 15, 2020

#+END_EXPORT [[https://code.soap.coffee/colorless-themes.git/tag/?h=0.2][I have tagged and released a new version of ~colorless-themes~]]. The motivation behind modifying the version number is an important breaking change regarding how the =colorless-themes-make= macro shall be used. Before ~0.2~, the macro was calling =deftheme= and =provide-theme= itself. In practices, it meant the actual themes were not using these two functions themselves. It was working great in isolation, but it turns out many tools such as ~use-package~ or [[https://peach-melpa.org][Peach Melpa]] (an auto-generated Emacs themes gallery) are relying on the presence of these functions to decide whether a file provides a theme or not. As of now, ~nordless-theme~ and ~lavenderless-theme~ have been updated accordingly, and [[https://peach-melpa.org/themes/lavenderless-theme/variants/lavenderless][they appear on Peach Melpa]]. Their loading can also be defered using the =:defer= keyword of the =use-package= macro. Maybe now is a good time to get in touch with ~melpa-stable~, and see if we can add ~colorless-themes~ and its companion themes there. Also, if you happen to be a user of ~colorless-themes~, feel free to shoot an email! I would love to hear about your experience using a mostly colorless theme.