#+SERIES: ./index.html #+SERIES_NEXT: haskell.html #+TITLE: About Coq Coq is a formal proof management system which provides a pure functional language with nice dependent types together with an environment for writing machine-checked proofs. - [[./posts/StronglySpecifiedFunctions.org][A Series on Strongly-Specified Funcions in Coq]] :: Using dependent types and the ~Prop~ sort, it becomes possible to specify functions whose arguments and results are constrained by properties. Using such a “strongly-specified” function requires to provide a proof that the supplied arguments satisfy the expected properties, and allows for soundly assuming the results are correct too. However, implementing dependently-typed functions can be challenging. - [[./posts/Ltac.org][A Series on Ltac]] :: Ltac is the “tactic language” of Coq. It is commonly advertised as the common approach to write proofs, which tends to bias how it is introduced to new Coq users (/e.g./, in Master courses). In this series, we present Ltac as the metaprogramming tool it is, since fundamentally it is an imperative language which allows for constructing Coq terms interactively and incrementally. - [[./posts/RewritingInCoq.html][Rewriting in Coq]] :: The ~rewrite~ tactics are really useful, since they are not limited to the Coq built-in equality relation. - [[./posts/ClightIntroduction.html][A Study of Clight and its Semantics]] :: Clight is a “simplified” C AST used by CompCert, the certified C compiler. In this write-up, we prove a straighforward functional property of a small C function, as an exercise to discover the Clight semantics. - [[./posts/AlgebraicDatatypes.html][Proving Algebraic Datatypes are “Algebraic”]] :: The set of types which can be defined in a language together with ~+~ and ~*~ form an “algebraic structure” in the mathematical sense, hence the name. It means the definitions of ~+~ and ~*~ have to satisfy properties such as commutativity or the existence of neutral elements. - [[./posts/Coqffi.org][A Series on ~coqffi~]] :: ~coqffi~ generates Coq FFI modules from compiled OCaml interface modules (~.cmi~). In practice, it greatly reduces the hassle to together OCaml and Coq modules within the same codebase, especially when used together with the ~dune~ build system.