path: root/site/posts/
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Diffstat (limited to 'site/posts/')
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+#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
+<article class="index">
+Over the past years, I have tried to capitalize on my findings. What I have
+lacked in regularity I made up for in subject exoticism.
+If you like what you read, have a question or for any other reasons really, you
+can shoot an email to [[mailto:~lthms/][the dedicated mailing list]] (see the [[][annoucement]] for a
+guide on how to subscribe).
+* About Coq
+Coq is a formal proof management system which provides a pure functional
+language with nice dependent types together with an environment for writing
+machine-checked proofs.
+- [[./MiniHTTPServer.html][Implementing and Certifying a Web Server in Coq]] ::
+ An explanation on how to write an almost pure Coq, and working (albeit
+ minimal) HTTP server.
+- [[./Ltac101.html][Ltac 101]] ::
+ Ltac is the “tactic language” of Coq. It allows for writing proof scripts
+ which construct proof terms later checked by Coq.
+- [[./RewritingInCoq.html][Rewriting in Coq]] ::
+ The ~rewrite~ tactics are really useful, since they are not limited to the Coq
+ built-in equality relation.
+- A Series on Strongly-Specified Funcions in Coq ::
+ Coq ~Prop~ sort allows for defining properties function arguments have to
+ satisfy, such that using such a function requires providing a proof the
+ property is satisfied.
+ 1. [[./StronglySpecifiedFunctions.html][Using the ~refine~ Tactics]]
+ 2. [[./StronglySpecifiedFunctionsProgram.html][Using the ~Program~ Framework]]
+* About Haskell
+Haskell is a pure, lazy, functional programming language with a very expressive
+type system.
+- [[./ExtensibleTypeSafeErrorHandling.html][Extensible, Type-Safe Error Handling In Haskell]] ::
+ Ever heard of “extensible effects?” By applying the same principle, but for
+ error handling, the result is nice, type-safe API for Haskell, with a lot of
+ GHC magic under the hood.
+- [[/posts/MonadTransformers/][Monad Transformers are a Great Abstraction]] ::
+ Monads are hard to get right, monad transformers are harder. Yet, they remain
+ a very powerful abstraction.
+* About Common Lisp
+Common Lisp is a venerable programming languages like no other I know.
+- [[./DiscoveringCommonLisp.html][Discovering Common Lisp with ~trivial-gamekit~]] ::
+ From the creation of a Lisp package up to the creation of a standalone
+ executable.
+* About this website
+One of my goal with this website is for it to /feel/ simple, but the truth is
+under the hood it is generated from a bunch of files using a not-that-simple
+- [[./meta.html][A Series on Generating this Static Website]] ::
+ The toolchain behind the generation of this website ---called *~cleopatra~*---
+ is a literate programming document which build itself in addition to the HTML
+ files composing this corner of the Internet.
+ 1. [[./meta/Bootstrap.html][Bootstrapping an Extensible Toolchain]]
+ 2. [[./meta/Contents.html][Authoring Contents and HTML Generation ~(WIP)~]]
+ 3. [[./meta/Soupault.html][Configuring ~soupault~ ~(WIP)~]]
+ 4. [[./meta/Theme.html][Theming and Templating ~(WIP)~]]
+- [[./Thanks.html][Thanks!]] ::
+ If it were not for many awesome FOSS projects, this corner of the Internet
+ would not exists. This is my attempt to give well-deserved credit to them and
+ their creators.