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+(** * Proving Algebraic Datatypes are “Algebraic” *)
+(** Several programming languages allow programmers to define (potentially
+ recursive) custom types, by composing together existing ones. For instance,
+ in OCaml, one can define lists as follows:
+type 'a list =
+| Cons of 'a * 'a list
+| Nil
+ This translates in Haskell as
+data List a =
+ Cons a (List a)
+| Nil
+ In Rust:
+enum List<A> {
+ Cons(A, Box<List a>),
+ Nil,
+ In Coq:
+Inductive list a :=
+| cons : a -> list a -> list a
+| nil
+ And so forth.
+ Each language will have its own specific constructions, and the type systems
+ of OCaml, Haskell, Rust and Coq —to only cite them— are far from being
+ equivalent. That being said, they often share a common “base formalism,”
+ usually (and sometimes abusively) referred to as _algebraic datatypes_. This
+ expression is used because under the hood any datatype can be encoded as a
+ composition of types using two operators: sum ([+]) and product ([*]) for
+ types.
+ - [a + b] is the disjoint union of types [a] and [b]. Any term of [a]
+ can be injected into [a + b], and the same goes for [b]. Conversely,
+ a term of [a + b] can be projected into either [a] or [b].
+ - [a * b] is the Cartesian product of types [a] and [b]. Any term of [a *
+ b] is made of one term of [a] and one term of [b] (remember tuples?).
+ For an algebraic datatype, one constructor allows for defining “named
+ tuples”, that is ad-hoc product types. Besides, constructors are mutually
+ exclusive: you cannot define the same term using two different constructors.
+ Therefore, a datatype with several constructors is reminescent of a disjoint
+ union. Coming back to the [list] type, under the syntactic sugar of
+ algebraic datatypes, the [list α] type is equivalent to [unit + α * list α],
+ where [unit] models the [nil] case, and [α + list α] models the [cons] case.
+ The set of types which can be defined in a language together with [+] and
+ [*] form an “algebraic structure” in the mathematical sense, hence the
+ name. It means the definitions of [+] and [*] have to satisfy properties
+ such as commutativity or the existence of neutral elements. In this article,
+ we will prove some of them in Coq. More precisely,
+ - [+] is commutative, that is #<span class="imath">#\forall (x, y),\ x + y
+ = y + x#</span>#
+ - [+] is associative, that is #<span class="imath">#\forall (x, y, z),\ (x
+ + y) + z = x + (y + z)#</span>#
+ - [+] has a neutral element, that is #<span class="imath">#\exists e_s,
+ \ \forall x,\ x + e_s = x#</span>#
+ - [*] is commutative, that is #<span class="imath">#\forall (x, y),\ x * y
+ = y * x#</span>#
+ - [*] is associative, that is #<span class="imath">#\forall (x, y, z),\ (x
+ * y) * z = x * (y * z)#</span>#
+ - [*] has a neutral element, that is #<span class="imath">#\exists e_p,
+ \ \forall x,\ x * e_p = x#</span>#
+ - The distributivity of [+] and [*], that is #<span class="imath">#\forall
+ (x, y, z),\ x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z#</span>#
+ - [*] has an absorbing element, that is #<span class="imath">#\exists e_a,
+ \ \forall x, \ x * e_a = e_a#</span>#
+ For the record, the [sum] and [prod] types are defined in Coq as follows:
+Inductive sum (A B : Type) : Type :=
+| inl : A -> sum A B
+| inr : B -> sum A B
+Inductive prod (A B : Type) : Type :=
+| pair : A -> B -> prod A B
+ #<div id="history">site/posts/AlgebraicDatatypes.v</div>#
+ #<div id="generate-toc"></div># *)
+From Coq Require Import
+ Basics Setoid Equivalence Morphisms
+ List FunctionalExtensionality.
+Import ListNotations.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(** ** An Equivalence for [Type] *)
+(** Algebraic structures come with _equations_ expected to be true. This means
+ there is an implicit dependency which is —to my opinion— too easily
+ overlooked: the definition of [=]. In Coq, [=] is a built-in relation that
+ states that two terms are “equal” if they can be reduced to the same
+ “hierarchy” of constructors. This is too strong in the general case, and in
+ particular for our study of algebraic structures of [Type]. It is clear
+ that, to Coq’s opinion, [α + β] is not structurally _equal_ to [β + α], yet
+ we will have to prove they are “equivalent.” *)
+(** *** Introducing [type_equiv] *)
+(** Since [=] for [Type] is not suitable for reasoning about algebraic
+ datatypes. As a consequence, we first introduce our own equivalence
+ relation, denoted [==].
+ We say two types [α] and [β] are equivalent up to an isomorphism (denoted by
+ [α == β]) when for any term of type [α], there exists a counter-part term of
+ type [β] and vice versa. In other words, [α] and [β] are equivalent if we
+ can exhibit two functions [f] and [g] such that:
+ #<span class="dmath">#\forall (x : α),\ x = g(f(x))#</span>#
+ #<span class="dmath">#\forall (y : β),\ y = f(g(y))#</span>#
+ In Coq, this translates into the following inductive types. *)
+Reserved Notation "x == y" (at level 72).
+Inductive type_equiv (α β : Type) : Prop :=
+| mk_type_equiv (f : α -> β) (g : β -> α)
+ (equ1 : forall (x : α), x = g (f x))
+ (equ2 : forall (y : β), y = f (g y))
+ : α == β
+where "x == y" := (type_equiv x y).
+(** As mentioned earlier, we prove two types are equivalent by exhibiting
+ two functions, and proving these functions satisfy two properties. We
+ introduce a <<Ltac>> notation to that end. *)
+Tactic Notation "equiv" "with" uconstr(f) "and" uconstr(g)
+ := apply (mk_type_equiv f g).
+(** The tactic [equiv with f and g] will turn a goal of the form [α == β] into
+ two subgoals to prove [f] and [g] form an isomorphism. *)
+(** *** [type_equiv] is an Equivalence *)
+(** [type_equiv] is an equivalence, and we can prove it by demonstrating it is
+ (1) reflexive, (2) symmetric, and (3) transitive.
+ [type_equiv] is reflexive. *)
+Lemma type_equiv_refl (α : Type) : α == α.
+(** This proof is straightforward. A type [α] is equivalent to itself because:
+ #<span class="imath">#\forall (x : α),\ x = id(id(x))#</span># *)
+ now equiv with (@id α) and (@id α).
+(** [type_equiv] is symmetric. *)
+Lemma type_equiv_sym {α β} (equ : α == β) : β == α.
+(** If [α == β], then we know there exists two functions [f] and [g] which
+ satisfy the expected properties. We can “swap” them to prove that [β == α].
+ *)
+ destruct equ as [f g equ1 equ2].
+ now equiv with g and f.
+(** [type_equiv] is transitive *)
+Lemma type_equiv_trans {α β γ} (equ1 : α == β) (equ2 : β == γ)
+ : α == γ.
+(** If [α == β], we know there exists two functions [fα] and [gβ] which satisfy
+ the expected properties of [type_equiv]. Similarly, because [β == γ], we
+ know there exists two additional functions [fβ] and [gγ]. We can compose
+ these functions together to prove [α == γ].
+ As a reminder, composing two functions [f] and [g] (denoted by [f >>> g]
+ thereafter) consists in using the result of [f] as the input of [g]: *)
+Infix ">>>" := (fun f g x => g (f x)) (at level 70).
+(** Then comes the proof. *)
+ destruct equ1 as [fα gβ equαβ equβα],
+ equ2 as [fβ gγ equβγ equγβ].
+ equiv with (fα >>> fβ) and (gγ >>> gβ).
+ + intros x.
+ rewrite <- equβγ.
+ now rewrite <- equαβ.
+ + intros x.
+ rewrite <- equβα.
+ now rewrite <- equγβ.
+(** The Coq standard library introduces the [Equivalence] type class. We can
+ provide an instance of this type class for [type_equiv], using the three
+ lemmas we have proven in this section. *)
+Instance type_equiv_Equivalence : Equivalence type_equiv :=
+ {}.
+ + intros x.
+ apply type_equiv_refl.
+ + intros x y.
+ apply type_equiv_sym.
+ + intros x y z.
+ apply type_equiv_trans.
+(** *** Examples *)
+(** **** [list]’s Canonical Form *)
+(** We now come back to our initial example, given in the Introduction of this
+ write-up. We can prove our assertion, that is [list α == unit + α * list
+ α]. *)
+Lemma list_equiv (α : Type)
+ : list α == unit + α * list α.
+ equiv with (fun x => match x with
+ | [] => inl tt
+ | x :: rst => inr (x, rst)
+ end)
+ and (fun x => match x with
+ | inl _ => []
+ | inr (x, rst) => x :: rst
+ end).
+ + now intros [| x rst].
+ + now intros [[] | [x rst]].
+(** **** [list] is a Morphism *)
+(** This means that if [α == β], then [list α == list β]. We prove this by
+ defining an instance of the [Proper] type class. *)
+Instance list_Proper
+ : Proper (type_equiv ==> type_equiv) list.
+ add_morphism_tactic.
+ intros α β [f g equαβ equβα].
+ equiv with (map f) and (map g).
+ all: setoid_rewrite map_map; intros l.
+ + replace (fun x : α => g (f x))
+ with (@id α).
+ ++ symmetry; apply map_id.
+ ++ apply functional_extensionality.
+ apply equαβ.
+ + replace (fun x : β => f (g x))
+ with (@id β).
+ ++ symmetry; apply map_id.
+ ++ apply functional_extensionality.
+ apply equβα.
+(** The use of the [Proper] type class allows for leveraging hypotheses of the
+ form [α == β] with the [rewrite] tactic. I personally consider providing
+ instances of [Proper] whenever it is possible to be a good practice, and
+ would encourage any Coq programmers to do so. *)
+(** **** [nat] is a Special-Purpose [list] *)
+(** Did you notice? Now, using [type_equiv], we can prove it! *)
+Lemma nat_and_list : nat == list unit.
+ equiv with (fix to_list n :=
+ match n with
+ | S m => tt :: to_list m
+ | _ => []
+ end)
+ and (fix of_list l :=
+ match l with
+ | _ :: rst => S (of_list rst)
+ | _ => 0
+ end).
+ + induction x; auto.
+ + induction y; auto.
+ rewrite <- IHy.
+ now destruct a.
+(** **** Non-empty Lists *)
+(** We can introduce a variant of [list] which contains at least one element, by
+ modifying the [nil] constructor so that it takes one argument instead of
+ none. *)
+Inductive non_empty_list (α : Type) :=
+| ne_cons : α -> non_empty_list α -> non_empty_list α
+| ne_singleton : α -> non_empty_list α.
+(** We can demonstrate the relation between [list] and [non_empty_list], which
+ reveals an alternative implementation of [non_empty_list]. More precisely,
+ we can prove that [forall (α : Type), non_empty_list α == α * list α]. It
+ is a bit more cumbersome, but not that much. We first define the conversion
+ functions, then prove they satisfy the properties expected by
+ [type_equiv]. *)
+Fixpoint non_empty_list_of_list {α} (x : α) (l : list α)
+ : non_empty_list α :=
+ match l with
+ | y :: rst => ne_cons x (non_empty_list_of_list y rst)
+ | [] => ne_singleton x
+ end.
+Fixpoint list_of_non_empty_list {α} (l : non_empty_list α)
+ : list α :=
+ match l with
+ | ne_cons x rst => x :: list_of_non_empty_list rst
+ | ne_singleton x => [x]
+ end.
+Definition prod_list_of_non_empty_list {α} (l : non_empty_list α)
+ : α * list α :=
+ match l with
+ | ne_singleton x => (x, [])
+ | ne_cons x rst => (x, list_of_non_empty_list rst)
+ end.
+Lemma ne_list_list_equiv (α : Type)
+ : non_empty_list α == α * list α.
+ equiv with prod_list_of_non_empty_list
+ and (prod_curry non_empty_list_of_list).
+ + intros [x rst|x]; auto.
+ cbn.
+ revert x.
+ induction rst; intros x; auto.
+ cbn; now rewrite IHrst.
+ + intros [x rst].
+ cbn.
+ destruct rst; auto.
+ change (non_empty_list_of_list x (α0 :: rst))
+ with (ne_cons x (non_empty_list_of_list α0 rst)).
+ replace (α0 :: rst)
+ with (list_of_non_empty_list
+ (non_empty_list_of_list α0 rst)); auto.
+ revert α0.
+ induction rst; intros y; [ reflexivity | cbn ].
+ now rewrite IHrst.
+(** ** The [sum] Operator *)
+(** *** [sum] is a Morphism *)
+(** This means that if [α == α'] and [β == β'], then [α + β == α' + β']. To
+ prove this, we compose together the functions whose existence is implied by
+ [α == α'] and [β == β']. To that end, we introduce the auxiliary function
+ [lr_map]. *)
+Definition lr_map_sum {α β α' β'} (f : α -> α') (g : β -> β')
+ (x : α + β)
+ : α' + β' :=
+ match x with
+ | inl x => inl (f x)
+ | inr y => inr (g y)
+ end.
+(** Then, we prove [sum] is a morphism by defining a [Proper] instance. *)
+Instance sum_Proper
+ : Proper (type_equiv ==> type_equiv ==> type_equiv) sum.
+ add_morphism_tactic.
+ intros α α' [fα gα' equαα' equα'α]
+ β β' [fβ gβ' equββ' equβ'β].
+ equiv with (lr_map_sum fα fβ)
+ and (lr_map_sum gα' gβ').
+ + intros [x|y]; cbn.
+ ++ now rewrite <- equαα'.
+ ++ now rewrite <- equββ'.
+ + intros [x|y]; cbn.
+ ++ now rewrite <- equα'α.
+ ++ now rewrite <- equβ'β.
+(** *** [sum] is Commutative *)
+Definition sum_invert {α β} (x : α + β) : β + α :=
+ match x with
+ | inl x => inr x
+ | inr x => inl x
+ end.
+Lemma sum_com {α β} : α + β == β + α.
+ equiv with sum_invert and sum_invert;
+ now intros [x|x].
+(** *** [sum] is Associative *)
+(** The associativity of [sum] is straightforward to prove, and should not pose
+ a particular challenge to perspective readers; if we assume that this
+ article is well-written, that is! *)
+Lemma sum_assoc {α β γ} : α + β + γ == α + (β + γ).
+ equiv with (fun x =>
+ match x with
+ | inl (inl x) => inl x
+ | inl (inr x) => inr (inl x)
+ | inr x => inr (inr x)
+ end)
+ and (fun x =>
+ match x with
+ | inl x => inl (inl x)
+ | inr (inl x) => inl (inr x)
+ | inr (inr x) => inr x
+ end).
+ + now intros [[x|x]|x].
+ + now intros [x|[x|x]].
+(** *** [sum] has a Neutral Element *)
+(** We need to find a type [e] such that [α + e == α] for any type [α]
+ (similarly to #<span class="imath">#x~+~0~=~x#</span># for any natural
+ number #<span class="imath">#x#</span># that is).
+ Any empty type (that is, a type with no term such as [False]) can act as the
+ natural element of [Type]. As a reminder, empty types in Coq are defined
+ with the following syntax: *)
+Inductive empty := .
+(** Note that the following definition is erroneous.
+Inductive empty.
+ Using [Print] on such a type illustrates the issue.
+Inductive empty : Prop := Build_empty { }
+ That is, when the [:=] is omitted, Coq defines an inductive type with one
+ constructor.
+ Coming back to [empty] being the neutral element of [sum]. From a high-level
+ perspective, this makes sense. Because we cannot construct a term of type
+ [empty], then [α + empty] contains exactly the same numbers of terms as [α].
+ This is the intuition. Now, how can we convince Coq that our intuition is
+ correct? Just like before, by providing two functions of types:
+ - [α -> α + empty]
+ - [α + empty -> α]
+ The first function is [inl], that is one of the constructor of [sum].
+ The second function is more tricky to write in Coq, because it comes down to
+ writing a function of type is [empty -> α]. *)
+Definition from_empty {α} : empty -> α :=
+ fun x => match x with end.
+(** It is the exact same trick that allows Coq to proofs by contradiction.
+ If we combine [from_empty] with the generic function *)
+Definition unwrap_left_or {α β}
+ (f : β -> α) (x : α + β)
+ : α :=
+ match x with
+ | inl x => x
+ | inr x => f x
+ end.
+(** Then, we have everything to prove that [α == α + empty]. *)
+Lemma sum_neutral (α : Type) : α == α + empty.
+ equiv with inl and (unwrap_left_or from_empty);
+ auto.
+ now intros [x|x].
+(** ** The [prod] Operator *)
+(** This is very similar to what we have just proven for [sum], so expect less
+ text for this section. *)
+(** *** [prod] is a Morphism *)
+Definition lr_map_prod {α α' β β'}
+ (f : α -> α') (g : β -> β')
+ : α * β -> α' * β' :=
+ fun x => match x with (x, y) => (f x, g y) end.
+Instance prod_Proper
+ : Proper (type_equiv ==> type_equiv ==> type_equiv) prod.
+ add_morphism_tactic.
+ intros α α' [fα gα' equαα' equα'α]
+ β β' [fβ gβ' equββ' equβ'β].
+ equiv with (lr_map_prod fα fβ)
+ and (lr_map_prod gα' gβ').
+ + intros [x y]; cbn.
+ rewrite <- equαα'.
+ now rewrite <- equββ'.
+ + intros [x y]; cbn.
+ rewrite <- equα'α.
+ now rewrite <- equβ'β.
+(** *** [prod] is Commutative *)
+Definition prod_invert {α β} (x : α * β) : β * α :=
+ (snd x, fst x).
+Lemma prod_com {α β} : α * β == β * α.
+ equiv with prod_invert and prod_invert;
+ now intros [x y].
+(** *** [prod] is Associative *)
+Lemma prod_assoc {α β γ}
+ : α * β * γ == α * (β * γ).
+ equiv with (fun x =>
+ match x with
+ | ((x, y), z) => (x, (y, z))
+ end)
+ and (fun x =>
+ match x with
+ | (x, (y, z)) => ((x, y), z)
+ end).
+ + now intros [[x y] z].
+ + now intros [x [y z]].
+(** *** [prod] has a Neutral Element *)
+Lemma prod_neutral (α : Type) : α * unit == α.
+ equiv with fst and ((flip pair) tt).
+ + now intros [x []].
+ + now intros.
+(** ** [prod] has an Absorbing Element *)
+(** And this absorbing element is [empty], just like the absorbing element of
+ the multiplication of natural number is #<span class="imath">#0#</span>#,
+ the neutral element of the addition. *)
+Lemma prod_absord (α : Type) : α * empty == empty.
+ equiv with (snd >>> from_empty)
+ and (from_empty).
+ + intros [_ []].
+ + intros [].
+(** ** [prod] and [sum] Distributivity *)
+(** Finally, we can prove the distributivity property of [prod] and [sum] using
+ a similar approach to proving the associativity of [prod] and [sum]. *)
+Lemma prod_sum_distr (α β γ : Type)
+ : α * (β + γ) == α * β + α * γ.
+ equiv with (fun x => match x with
+ | (x, inr y) => inr (x, y)
+ | (x, inl y) => inl (x, y)
+ end)
+ and (fun x => match x with
+ | inr (x, y) => (x, inr y)
+ | inl (x, y) => (x, inl y)
+ end).
+ + now intros [x [y | y]].
+ + now intros [[x y] | [x y]].
+(** ** Bonus: Algebraic Datatypes and Metaprogramming *)
+(** Algebraic datatypes are very suitable for generating functions, as
+ demonstrating by the automatic deriving of typeclass in Haskell or trait in
+ Rust. Because a datatype can be expressed in terms of [sum] and [prod], you
+ just have to know to deal with these two constructions to start
+ metaprogramming.
+ We can take the example of the [fold] functions. A [fold] function is a
+ function which takes a container as its argument, and iterates over the
+ values of that container in order to compute a result.
+ We introduce [fold_type INPUT CANON_FORM OUTPUT], a tactic to compute the
+ type of the fold function of the type <<INPUT>>, whose “canonical form” (in
+ terms of [prod] and [sum]) is <<CANON_FORM>> and whose result type is
+ <<OUTPUT>>. Interested readers have to be familiar with [Ltac]. *)
+Ltac fold_args b a r :=
+ lazymatch a with
+ | unit =>
+ exact r
+ | b =>
+ exact (r -> r)
+ | (?c + ?d)%type =>
+ exact (ltac:(fold_args b c r) * ltac:(fold_args b d r))%type
+ | (b * ?c)%type =>
+ exact (r -> ltac:(fold_args b c r))
+ | (?c * ?d)%type =>
+ exact (c -> ltac:(fold_args b d r))
+ | ?a =>
+ exact (a -> r)
+ end.
+Ltac currying a :=
+ match a with
+ | ?a * ?b -> ?c => exact (a -> ltac:(currying (b -> c)))
+ | ?a => exact a
+ end.
+Ltac fold_type b a r :=
+ exact (ltac:(currying (ltac:(fold_args b a r) -> b -> r))).
+(** We use it to computing the type of a [fold] function for [list]. *)
+Definition fold_list_type (α β : Type) : Type :=
+ ltac:(fold_type (list α) (unit + α * list α)%type β).
+(** Here is the definition of [fold_list_type], as outputed by [Print].
+fold_list_type =
+ fun α β : Type => β -> (α -> β -> β) -> list α -> β
+ : Type -> Type -> Type
+ It is exactly what you could have expected (as match the type of
+ [fold_right]).
+ Generating the body of the function is possible in theory, but probably not
+ in [Ltac] without modifying a bit [type_equiv]. This could be a nice
+ use-case for #<a href="">#MetaCoq#</a>#,
+ though. *)