path: root/site/cleopatra/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'site/cleopatra/')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/site/cleopatra/ b/site/cleopatra/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a79741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/cleopatra/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#+TITLE: Installing Dependencies
+#+SERIES: ../cleopatra.html
+#+SERIES_NEXT: ./coq.html
+* OCaml and Coq
+ #+caption: Dependencies for Coq articles
+ #+name: coq-deps
+ | Package | Version |
+ |--------------+---------|
+ | coq | 8.13.1 |
+ | coq-compcert | 3.8 |
+ #+caption: Dependencies for the ~coqffi~ series
+ #+name: lp-deps
+ | Package | Version |
+ |---------------+-------------|
+ | dune | 2.8.4 |
+ | coq-coqffi | 1.0.0~beta5 |
+ | coq-simple-io | 1.5.0 |
+ #+caption: Soupault
+ #+name: soupault-deps
+ | Package | Version |
+ |----------+---------|
+ | soupault | 2.5.0 |
+ #+name: deps-listing
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes :var coq-deps=coq-deps :var lp-deps=lp-deps :var soupault-deps=soupault-deps :results value raw :exports none
+;; We use this Emacs Lisp snippet to generate the list of dependencies
+;; we have to install with Opam
+(defun fmt-deps (d)
+ (mapconcat (lambda (d) (format "%s" d)) d "."))
+ (append (mapcar 'fmt-deps lp-deps)
+ (mapcar 'fmt-deps soupault-deps)
+ (mapcar 'fmt-deps coq-deps))
+ " ")
+ #+end_src
+ #+begin_src makefile :tangle :noweb yes
+OCAML_VERSION := 4.11.2
+OCAML := ocaml-base-compiler.${OCAML_VERSION}
+_opam/init :
+ @cleopatra echo "Creating" "a local Opam switch"
+ @opam switch create . ${OCAML} --repos default,coq-released || true
+ @cleopatra echo "Installing" "OCaml dependencies"
+ @opam install <<deps-listing()>> -y
+ @touch $@
+CONFIGURE += _opam
+ #+end_src
+* Frontend
+ #+caption: Frontend dependencies
+ #+name: frontend-deps
+ | Package | Version |
+ |---------------+---------|
+ | katex | 0.13.0 |
+ | minify | 7.0.1 |
+ | normalize.css | 8.0.1 |
+ #+name: frontend-listing
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var frontend-deps=frontend-deps :exports none
+;; We use this Emacs Lisp snippet to generate the list of dependencies
+;; we have to install with npm
+(defun fmt-deps (d)
+ (format " \"%s\": \"^%s\"" (nth 0 d) (nth 1 d)))
+(string-join (mapcar 'fmt-deps frontend-deps) ",\n")
+ #+end_src
+ #+begin_src json :tangle package.json :noweb yes
+ "dependencies": {
+ <<frontend-listing()>>
+ }
+ #+end_src
+ #+begin_src makefile :tangle :noweb yes
+package-lock.json : package.json
+ @cleopatra echo "Installing" "frontend dependencies"
+ @npm install
+ #+end_src