path: root/site/posts/RewritingInCoq.v
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authorThomas Letan <>2020-02-04 18:13:38 +0100
committerThomas Letan <>2020-02-04 18:13:38 +0100
commit9754a53fdc14f6ee4cf00f851cda68d69889bdcd (patch)
tree0af2ae9e1488f22b56e92cb6b17bb82e2f919bd3 /site/posts/RewritingInCoq.v
Initial commit with previous content and a minimal theme
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1 files changed, 347 insertions, 0 deletions
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+(** #
+<h1>Rewriting in Coq</h1>
+<time datetime="2017-05-13">2017-05-13</time>
+ # *)
+(** I have to confess something. In the published codebase of SpecCert lies a
+ shameful secret. It takes the form of a set of axioms which are not
+ required. I thought they were when I wrote them, but it was before I heard
+ about “generalized rewriting,” setoids and morphisms.
+ Now, I know the truth. I will have to update SpecCert eventually. But,
+ in the meantime, let me try to explain how it is possible to rewrite a
+ term in a proof using a ad-hoc equivalence relation and, when
+ necessary, a proper morphism. *)
+(** #<div id="generate-toc"></div># *)
+(** ** Gate: Our Case Study *)
+(** Now, why would anyone want such a thing as “generalized rewriting” when the
+ [rewrite] tactic works just fine.
+ The thing is: it does not in some cases. To illustrate my statement, we will
+ consider the following definition of a gate in Coq: *)
+Record Gate :=
+ { open: bool
+ ; lock: bool
+ ; lock_is_close: lock = true -> open = false
+ }.
+(** According to this definition, a gate can be either open or closed. It can
+ also be locked, but if it is, it cannot be open at the same time. To express
+ this constrain, we embed the appropriate proposition inside the Record. By
+ doing so, we _know_ for sure that we will never meet an ill-formed Gate
+ instance. The Coq engine will prevent it, because to construct a gate, one
+ will have to prove the [lock_is_close] predicate holds.
+ The [program] attribute makes it easy to work with embedded proofs. For
+ instance, defining the ”open gate” is as easy as: *)
+Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
+Definition open_gate :=
+ {| open := true
+ ; lock := false
+ |}.
+(** Under the hood, [program] proves what needs to be proven, that is the
+ [lock_is_close] proposition. Just have a look at its output:
+open_gate has type-checked, generating 1 obligation(s)
+Solving obligations automatically...
+open_gate_obligation_1 is defined
+No more obligations remaining
+open_gate is defined
+ In this case, using <<Program>> is a bit like cracking a nut with a
+ sledgehammer. We can easily do it ourselves using the [refine] tactic. *)
+Definition open_gate': Gate.
+ refine ({| open := true
+ ; lock := false
+ |}).
+ intro Hfalse.
+ discriminate Hfalse.
+(** ** Gate Equality
+What does it mean for two gates to be equal? Intuitively, we know they
+have to share the same states ([open] and [lock] is our case).
+*** Leibniz Equality Is Too Strong
+When you write something like [a = b] in Coq, the [=] refers to the
+[eq] function and this function relies on what is called the Leibniz
+Equality: [x] and [y] are equal iff every property on [A] which is
+true of [x] is also true of [y]
+As for myself, when I first started to write some Coq code, the
+Leibniz Equality was not really something I cared about and I tried to
+prove something like this: *)
+Lemma open_gates_are_equal (g g': Gate)
+ (equ : open g = true) (equ' : open g' = true)
+ : g = g'.
+(** Basically, it means that if two doors are open, then they are equal. That
+made sense to me, because by definition of [Gate], a locked door is closed,
+meaning an open door cannot be locked.
+Here is an attempt to prove the [open_gates_are_equal] lemmas. *)
+ assert (forall g, open g = true -> lock g = false). {
+ intros [o l h] equo.
+ cbn in *.
+ case_eq l; auto.
+ intros equl.
+ now rewrite (h equl) in equo.
+ }
+ assert (lock g = false) by apply (H _ equ).
+ assert (lock g' = false) by apply (H _ equ').
+ destruct g; destruct g'; cbn in *; subst.
+(** The term to prove is now:
+{| open := true; lock := false; lock_is_close := lock_is_close0 |} =
+{| open := true; lock := false; lock_is_close := lock_is_close1 |}
+The next tactic I wanted to use [reflexivity], because I'd basically proven
+[open g = open g'] and [lock g = lock g'], which meets my definition of equality
+at that time.
+Except Coq wouldn’t agree. See how it reacts:
+Unable to unify "{| open := true; lock := false; lock_is_close := lock_is_close1 |}"
+ with "{| open := true; lock := false; lock_is_close := lock_is_close0 |}".
+It cannot unify the two records. More precisely, it cannot unify
+[lock_is_close1] and [lock_is_close0]. So we abort and try something
+else. *)
+(** *** Ah hoc Equivalence Relation
+This is a familiar pattern. Coq cannot guess what we have in mind. Giving a
+formal definition of “our equality” is fortunately straightforward. *)
+Definition gate_eq
+ (g g': Gate)
+ : Prop :=
+ open g = open g' /\ lock g = lock g'.
+(** Because “equality” means something very specific in Coq, we won't say “two
+gates are equal” anymore, but “two gates are equivalent”. That is, [gate_eq] is
+an equivalence relation. But “equivalence relation” is also something very
+specific. For instance, such relation needs to be symmetric ([R x y -> R y x]),
+reflexive ([R x x]) and transitive ([R x y -> R y z -> R x z]). *)
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Equivalence.
+Instance Gate_Equivalence
+ : Equivalence gate_eq.
+Next Obligation.
+ split; reflexivity.
+Next Obligation.
+ intros g g' [Hop Hlo].
+ symmetry in Hop; symmetry in Hlo.
+ split; assumption.
+Next Obligation.
+ intros g g' g'' [Hop Hlo] [Hop' Hlo'].
+ split.
+ + transitivity (open g'); [exact Hop|exact Hop'].
+ + transitivity (lock g'); [exact Hlo|exact Hlo'].
+(** Afterwards, the [symmetry], [reflexivity] and [transitivity] tactics also
+works with [gate_eq], in addition to [eq]. We can try again to prove the
+[open_gate_are_the_same] lemma and it will work[fn:lemma]. *)
+Lemma open_gates_are_the_same:
+ forall (g g': Gate),
+ open g = true
+ -> open g' = true
+ -> gate_eq g g'.
+ induction g; induction g'.
+ cbn.
+ intros H0 H2.
+ assert (lock0 = false).
+ + case_eq lock0; [ intro H; apply lock_is_close0 in H;
+ rewrite H0 in H;
+ discriminate H
+ | reflexivity
+ ].
+ + assert (lock1 = false).
+ * case_eq lock1; [ intro H'; apply lock_is_close1 in H';
+ rewrite H2 in H';
+ discriminate H'
+ | reflexivity
+ ].
+ * subst.
+ split; reflexivity.
+(** [fn:lemma] I know I should have proven an intermediate lemma to avoid code
+duplication. Sorry about that, it hurts my eyes too.
+** Equivalence Relations and Rewriting
+So here we are, with our ad-hoc definition of gate equivalence. We can use
+[symmetry], [reflexivity] and [transitivity] along with [gate_eq] and it works
+fine because we have told Coq [gate_eq] is indeed an equivalence relation for
+Can we do better? Can we actually use [rewrite] to replace an occurrence of [g]
+by an occurrence of [g’] as long as we can prove that [gate_eq g g’]? The answer
+is “yes”, but it will not come for free.
+Before moving forward, just consider the following function: *)
+Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.
+Program Definition try_open
+ (g: Gate)
+ : Gate :=
+ if eqb (lock g) false
+ then {| lock := false
+ ; open := true
+ |}
+ else g.
+(** It takes a gate as an argument and returns a new gate. If the former is not
+locked, the latter is open. Otherwise the argument is returned as is. *)
+Lemma gate_eq_try_open_eq
+ : forall (g g': Gate),
+ gate_eq g g'
+ -> gate_eq (try_open g) (try_open g').
+ intros g g' Heq.
+(** What we could have wanted to do is: [rewrite Heq]. Indeed, [g] and [g’]
+“are the same” ([gate_eq g g’]), so, _of course_, the results of [try_open g] and
+[try_open g’] have to be the same. Except...
+Error: Tactic failure: setoid rewrite failed: Unable to satisfy the following constraints:
+ ?X49==[g g' Heq |- relation Gate] (internal placeholder) {?r}
+ ?X50==[g g' Heq (do_subrelation:=Morphisms.do_subrelation)
+ |- Morphisms.Proper (gate_eq ==> ?X49@{__:=g; __:=g'; __:=Heq}) try_open] (internal placeholder) {?p}
+ ?X52==[g g' Heq |- relation Gate] (internal placeholder) {?r0}
+ ?X53==[g g' Heq (do_subrelation:=Morphisms.do_subrelation)
+ |- Morphisms.Proper (?X49@{__:=g; __:=g'; __:=Heq} ==> ?X52@{__:=g; __:=g'; __:=Heq} ==> Basics.flip Basics.impl) eq]
+ (internal placeholder) {?p0}
+ ?X54==[g g' Heq |- Morphisms.ProperProxy ?X52@{__:=g; __:=g'; __:=Heq} (try_open g')] (internal placeholder) {?p1}
+What Coq is trying to tell us here —in a very poor manner, I’d say— is actually
+pretty simple. It cannot replace [g] by [g’] because it does not know if two
+equivalent gates actually give the same result when passed as the argument of
+[try_open]. This is actually what we want to prove, so we cannot use [rewrite]
+just yet, because it needs this result so it can do its magic. Chicken and egg
+In other words, we are making the same mistake as before: not telling Coq what
+it cannot guess by itself.
+The [rewrite] tactic works out of the box with the Coq equality ([eq], or most
+likely [=]) because of the Leibniz Equality: [x] and [y] are equal iff every
+property on [A] which is true of [x] is also true of [y]
+This is a pretty strong property, and one a lot of equivalence relations do not
+have. Want an example? Consider the relation [R] over [A] such that forall [x]
+and [y], [R x y] holds true. Such relation is reflexive, symmetric and
+reflexive. Yet, there is very little chance that given a function [f : A -> B]
+and [R’] an equivalence relation over [B], [R x y -> R' (f x) (f y)]. Only if we
+have this property, we would know that we could rewrite [f x] by [f y], e.g. in
+[R' z (f x)]. Indeed, by transitivity of [R’], we can deduce [R' z (f y)] from
+[R' z (f x)] and [R (f x) (f y)].
+If [R x y -> R' (f x) (f y)], then [f] is a morphism because it preserves an
+equivalence relation. In our previous case, [A] is [Gate], [R] is [gate_eq],
+[f] is [try_open] and therefore [B] is [Gate] and [R’] is [gate_eq]. To make Coq
+aware that [try_open] is a morphism, we can use the following syntax: *)
+Open Scope signature_scope.
+Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
+Instance try_open_Proper
+ : Proper (gate_eq ==> gate_eq) try_open.
+(** This notation is actually more generic because you can deal with functions
+that take more than one argument. Hence, given [g : A -> B -> C -> D], [R]
+(respectively [R’], [R’’] and [R’’’]) an equivalent relation of [A]
+(respectively [B], [C] and [D]), we can prove [f] is a morphism as follows:
+Add Parametric Morphism: (g)
+ with signature (R) ==> (R') ==> (R'') ==> (R''')
+ as <name>.
+Back to our [try_open] morphism. Coq needs you to prove the following
+1 subgoal, subgoal 1 (ID 50)
+ ============================
+ forall x y : Gate, gate_eq x y -> gate_eq (try_open x) (try_open y)
+Here is a way to prove that: *)
+Next Obligation.
+ intros g g' Heq.
+ assert (gate_eq g g') as [Hop Hlo] by (exact Heq).
+ unfold try_open.
+ rewrite <- Hlo.
+ destruct (bool_dec (lock g) false) as [Hlock|Hnlock]; subst.
+ + rewrite Hlock.
+ split; cbn; reflexivity.
+ + apply not_false_is_true in Hnlock.
+ rewrite Hnlock.
+ cbn.
+ exact Heq.
+(** Now, back to our [gate_eq_try_open_eq], we now can use [rewrite] and
+[reflexivity]. *)
+Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
+Lemma gate_eq_try_open_eq
+ : forall (g g': Gate),
+ gate_eq g g'
+ -> gate_eq (try_open g) (try_open g').
+ intros g g' Heq.
+ rewrite Heq.
+ reflexivity.
+(** We did it! We actually rewrite [g] as [g’], even if we weren’t able to prove
+[g = g’]. *)