path: root/site/posts/ClightIntroduction.v
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authorThomas Letan <>2020-03-19 21:51:21 +0100
committerThomas Letan <>2020-03-20 21:18:54 +0100
commit70731164b51f44b57044f01d111b1a7bd30298f9 (patch)
tree751fb125e754cc633178a3122e6fa79a82b563fe /site/posts/ClightIntroduction.v
parentUse inline mathematics to display KaTeX (diff)
Add a new post about Clight and its semantics
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+(** * A Study of Clight and its Semantics *)
+(* begin hide *)
+From Coq Require Import List.
+Import ListNotations.
+(* end hide *)
+(** CompCert is a certified C compiler which comes with a proof of semantics
+ preservation. What this means is the following: the semantics of the C code
+ you write is preserved by CompCert compilation passes up to the generated
+ machine code.
+ I have been interested in CompCert for quite some times now. Today (#<span
+ id="time">#March 18, 2020#</span>#), I have challenged myself to study
+ Clight and its semantics. This write-up is the result of this challenge,
+ written as I was progressing.
+ #<div id="generate-toc"></div># *)
+(** ** Installing CompCert *)
+(** CompCert has been added to <<opam>>, and as a consequence can be very easily
+ used as a library for other Coq developments. A typical use case is for a
+ project to produce Clight (the high-level AST of CompCert), and to benefit
+ from CompCert proofs after that.
+ Installing CompCert is as easy as
+opam install compcert
+ Once <<opam>> terminates, the <<compcert>> namespace becomes available. In
+ addition, several binaries are now available if you have correctly set your
+ <<PATH>> environment variable. For instance, <<clightgen>> takes a C file as
+ an argument, and generates a Coq file which contains the Clight generated by
+ CompCert. *)
+(** ** Problem Statement *)
+(** Our goal for this first write-up is to prove that the C function
+int add (int x, int y) {
+ return x + y;
+ returns the expected result, that is <<x + y>>. The <<clightgen>> tool
+ generates (among other things) the following AST (note: I have modified it
+ in order to improve its readability). *)
+From compcert Require Import Clight Ctypes Clightdefs AST
+ Coqlib Cop.
+Definition _x : ident := 1%positive.
+Definition _y : ident := 2%positive.
+Definition f_add : function :=
+ {| fn_return := tint
+ ; fn_callconv := cc_default
+ ; fn_params := [(_x, tint); (_y, tint)]
+ ; fn_vars := []
+ ; fn_temps := []
+ ; fn_body := Sreturn
+ (Some (Ebinop Oadd
+ (Etempvar _x tint)
+ (Etempvar _y tint)
+ tint))
+ |}.
+(** The fields of the [function] type are pretty self-explanatory (as it is
+ often the case in CompCert’s ASTs as far as I can tell for now).
+ Identifiers in Clight are ([positive]) indices. The [fn_body] field is of
+ type [statement], with the particular constructor [Sreturn] whose argument
+ is of type [option expr], and [statement] and [expr] look like the two main
+ types to study. The predicates [step1] and [step2] allow for reasoning
+ about the execution of a [function], step by step (hence the name). It
+ appears that <<clightgen>> generates Clight terms using the function call
+ convention encoded by [step2]. To reason about a complete execution, it
+ appears that we can use [star] (from the [Smallstep] module) which is
+ basically a trace of [step]. These semantics are defined as predicates (that
+ is, they live in [Prop]). They allow for reasoning about
+ state-transformation, where a state is either
+ - A function call, with a given list of arguments and a continuation
+ - A function return, with a result and a continuation
+ - A [statement] execution within a [function]
+ We import several CompCert modules to manipulate _values_ (in our case,
+ bounded integers). *)
+From compcert Require Import Values Integers.
+Import Int.
+(** Putting everything together, the lemma we want to prove about [f_add] is
+ the following. *)
+Lemma f_add_spec (env : genv)
+ (t : Events.trace)
+ (m m' : Memory.Mem.mem)
+ (v : val) (x y z : int)
+ (trace : step2 env
+ (Callstate (Ctypes.Internal f_add)
+ [Vint x; Vint y]
+ Kstop
+ m)
+ t
+ (Returnstate (Vint z) Kstop m'))
+ : z = add x y.
+(** ** Proof Walkthrough *)
+(** We introduce a custom [inversion] tactic which does some clean-up in
+ addition to just perform the inversion. *)
+Ltac smart_inv H :=
+ inversion H; subst; cbn in *; clear H.
+(** We can now try to prove our lemma. *)
+(** We first destruct [trace], and we rename the generated hypothesis in order
+ to improve the readability of these notes. *)
+ smart_inv trace.
+ rename H into Hstep.
+ rename H0 into Hstar.
+(** This generates two hypotheses.
+Hstep : step1
+ env
+ (Callstate (Ctypes.Internal f_add)
+ [Vint x; Vint y]
+ Kstop
+ m)
+ t1
+ s2
+Hstar :
+ step2
+ env
+ s2
+ t2
+ (Returnstate (Vint z) Kstop m')
+ In other words, to “go” from a [Callstate] of [f_add] to a [Returnstate],
+ there is a first step from a [Callstate] to a state [s2], then a succession
+ of steps to go from [s2] to a [Returnstate].
+ We consider the single [step], in order to determine the actual value of
+ [s2] (among other things). To do that, we use [smart_inv] on [Hstep], and
+ again perform some renaming. *)
+ smart_inv Hstep.
+ rename le into tmp_env.
+ rename e into c_env.
+ rename H5 into f_entry.
+(** This produces two effects. First, a new hypothesis is added to the context.
+f_entry : function_entry1
+ env
+ f_add
+ [Vint x; Vint y]
+ m
+ c_env
+ tmp_env
+ m1
+ Then, the [Hstar] hypothesis has been updated, because we now have a more
+ precise value of [s2]. More precisely, [s2] has become
+ f_add
+ (Sreturn
+ (Some (Ebinop Oadd
+ (Etempvar _x tint)
+ (Etempvar _y tint)
+ tint)))
+ Kstop
+ c_env
+ tmp_env
+ m1
+ Using the same approach as before, we can uncover the next step. *)
+ smart_inv Hstar.
+ rename H into Hstep.
+ rename H0 into Hstar.
+(** The resulting hypotheses are
+Hstep : step2 env
+ (State
+ f_add
+ (Sreturn
+ (Some
+ (Ebinop Oadd
+ (Etempvar _x tint)
+ (Etempvar _y tint)
+ tint)))
+ Kstop c_env tmp_env m1) t1 s2
+Hstar :
+ step2
+ env
+ s2
+ t0
+ (Returnstate (Vint z) Kstop m')
+ An inversion of [Hstep] can be used to learn more about its resulting
+ state… So let’s do just that. *)
+ smart_inv Hstep.
+ rename H7 into ev.
+ rename v0 into res.
+ rename H8 into res_equ.
+ rename H9 into mem_equ.
+(** The generated hypotheses have become
+res : val
+ev : eval_expr env c_env tmp_env m1
+ (Ebinop Oadd
+ (Etempvar _x tint)
+ (Etempvar _y tint)
+ tint)
+ res
+res_equ : sem_cast res tint tint m1 = Some v'
+mem_equ : Memory.Mem.free_list m1
+ (blocks_of_env env c_env)
+ = Some m'0
+ Our understanding of these hypotheses is the following
+ - The expression [_x + _y] is evaluated using the [c_env] environment (and
+ we know thanks to [binding] the value of [_x] and [_y]), and its result
+ is stored in [res]
+ - [res] is cast into a [tint] value, and acts as the result of [f_add]
+ The [Hstar] hypothesis is now interesting
+Hstar :
+ step2 env
+ (Returnstate v' Kstop m'0) t0
+ (Returnstate (Vint z) Kstop m')
+ It is clear that we are at the end of the execution of [f_add] (even if Coq
+ generates two subgoals, the second one is not relevant and easy to
+ discard). *)
+ smart_inv Hstar; [| smart_inv H ].
+(** We are making good progress here, and we can focus our attention on the [ev]
+ hypothesis, which concerns the evaluation of the [_x + _y] expression. We
+ can simplify it a bit further. *)
+ smart_inv ev; [| smart_inv H].
+ rename H4 into fetch_x.
+ rename H5 into fetch_y.
+ rename H6 into add_op.
+(** In a short-term, the hypotheses [fetch_x] and [fetch_y] are the most
+ important.
+fetch_x : eval_expr env c_env tmp_env m1 (Etempvar _x tint) v1
+fetch_y : eval_expr env c_env tmp_env m1 (Etempvar _y tint) v2
+ The current challenge we face is to prove that we know their value. At this
+ point, we can have a look at [f_entry]. This is starting to look familiar:
+ [smart_inv], then renaming, etc. *)
+ smart_inv f_entry.
+ clear H.
+ clear H0.
+ clear H1.
+ smart_inv H3; subst.
+ rename H2 into allocs.
+(** We are almost done. Let’s simplify as much as possible [fetch_x] and
+ [fetch_y]. Each time, the [smart_inv] tactic generates two suboals, but only
+ the first one is relevant. The second one is not, and can be discarded. *)
+ smart_inv fetch_x; [| inversion H].
+ smart_inv H2.
+ smart_inv fetch_y; [| inversion H].
+ smart_inv H2.
+(** We now know the values of the operands of [add]. The two relevant hypotheses
+ that we need to consider next are [add_op] and [res_equ]. They are easy to
+ read.
+add_op : sem_binarith
+ (fun (_ : signedness) (n1 n2 :
+ => Some (Vint (add n1 n2)))
+ (fun (_ : signedness) (n1 n2 : int64)
+ => Some (Vlong (Int64.add n1 n2)))
+ (fun n1 n2 : Floats.float
+ => Some (Vfloat (Floats.Float.add n1 n2)))
+ (fun n1 n2 : Floats.float32
+ => Some (Vsingle (Floats.Float32.add n1 n2)))
+ v1 tint v2 tint m1 = Some res
+ - [add_op] is the addition of [Vint x] and [Vint y], and its result is
+ [res].
+res_equ : sem_cast res tint tint m1 = Some (Vint z)
+ - [res_equ] is the equation which says that the result of [f_add] is
+ [res], after it has been cast as a [tint] value
+ Surprisingly, neither [add_op] nor [res_equ] can be reduced easily… After
+ some digging, I have found that this is because both rely on [Archi.ptr64],
+ which is basically opaque as far as reduction strategies are concerned.
+ Now, there are probably more elegant (idiomatic) way to deal with this
+ issue, but a working approach is to unfold until [Archi.ptr64] appears, then
+ use the [Archi.splitlong_ptr32] lemma to replace it with its value
+ ([false]). *)
+ unfold sem_binarith in *.
+ cbn in *.
+ unfold sem_cast in *.
+ cbn in *.
+ rewrite Archi.splitlong_ptr32 in *; auto.
+(** We can now simplify [add_op] and [res_equ], and this allows us to
+ conclude. *)
+ smart_inv add_op.
+ smart_inv res_equ.
+ reflexivity.
+(** ** Conclusion *)
+(** The main difficulty of this exercise was the opaqueness of [Archi.ptr64];
+ this is surprising, since it means my struggle was technical, not
+ conceptual. On the contrary, the definitions of Clight are easy to
+ understand, and the #<a
+ href="">#CompCert documentation#</a>#
+ is very pleasant to read.
+ Understanding Clight and its semantics can be very interesting if you are
+ working on a language that you want to translate into machine code. However,
+ proving functional properties of a given C snippet using only CompCert can
+ quickly become cumbersome. From this perspective, the #<a
+ href="">#VST#</a># project is very
+ interesting, as its main purpose is to provide tools to reason about Clight
+ programs more easily. *)