# thaar `thaar` is a mini-game project for a [Miradelphia](http://miradelphia.forumpro.fr) event called *Les grands jeux de Thaar*, where gladiators from all around the world face each other on various fights. ## How to play First, you need to clone this repository. ```bash git clone https://git.sr.ht/~lthms/thaar ``` `thaar` is implemented in Elixir using the `lkn` framework. There is no system dependency, so starting the game server should be as simple as: ```bash cd thaar mix deps.get iex -S mix ``` There is no admin panel of any sort, so creating and managing games is done via `iex` REPL ```iex iex(1)> Thaar.Admin.start_link "test" :ok ``` You can now connect clients to the party: ```bash ${BROWSER} "client.html#test" ``` You might need to update `client.html` to provide the correct websocket configuration, in case you have set up the server behind a http proxy such as `nginx`. Once your players are ready, go back to `iex` REPL and fill the missing places with bots: ```iex iex(2)> Thaar.Admin.spawn_bots "test" ``` You are ready to go! Start the party, and enjoy your players lose and win. ```iex iex(3)> Thaar.Admin.start_party "test" ```