AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-01-24chore: Clean-up the documentation of the System modulelthms
2018-01-24system: The System `notify` function now takes a lambdalthms
2018-01-24entity: Distinguish between Maps and Puppets when possiblelthms
2018-01-24entity: Add a new macro defmaplthms
2018-01-24entity: Add a new macro defpuppetlthms
2018-01-24chore: Add a dummy specs to test the defspecs macro in depthlthms
2018-01-24component: Allow empty components with only a single @system primitivelthms
2018-01-24component: Simplify the creation and use of a Componentlthms
2018-01-24instance: Give a more explicit type name for the Instance identifierlthms
2018-01-24chore: Remove outdated documentationlthms
2018-01-24puppeteer: Make Puppeteer a base module to extendlthms
2018-01-24chore: Clean up the new-born repositorylthms
2018-01-24chore: Give the core its own repositorylthms
2018-01-24deps: Use latest lkn_preludelthms
2018-01-24deps: Remove the foundation appslthms
2018-01-24deps: Use the new lkn_prelude packagelthms
2018-01-24deps: Use the Beacon package instead of Lkn.Foundation.Recipelthms
2018-01-24chore: Update the deployment playbooklthms
2018-01-24chore: Use distillery to generate lkn releaseslthms
2018-01-24server: Encode the server response in JSONlthms
2018-01-24server: Use Poison to implement a JSON-based client-server protocollthms
2018-01-24server: Fix server crash when a client closes its connectionlthms
2018-01-24rpg: Add the foundation for a chat serverlthms
2018-01-24chore: Test the core application startuplthms
2018-01-24rpg: Talk twice does not make the Chat system crash anymorelthms
2018-01-24instance: Empty an Instance from its Puppeteers with `kick_all`lthms
2018-01-24instance: Test the behaviour of an empty Instancelthms
2018-01-24instance: Lock an Instance to prevent Puppeteers to registerlthms
2018-01-24puppeteer: Add a true Puppeteer role in the lkn modellthms
2018-01-24chore: Add CI badges and github mirror link to the READMElthms
2018-01-24chore: Coverall report now mention `rpg`lthms
2018-01-24chore: Improve the public websitelthms
2018-01-24rpg: Implement a minimal Chat systemlthms
2018-01-24chore: Bring the project back to pijullthms