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authorlthms <contact@thomasletan.fr>2017-12-26 17:52:03 +0000
committerThomas Letan <contact@thomasletan.fr>2018-01-24 08:11:12 +0100
commit349eab8ae0ed87227dd4d54889d63c24d25f611d (patch)
parentchore: Document the Map module (diff)
chore: Document the Puppet module
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/lkn/core/puppet.ex b/lib/lkn/core/puppet.ex
index 3ddd8b5..7151824 100644
--- a/lib/lkn/core/puppet.ex
+++ b/lib/lkn/core/puppet.ex
@@ -1,8 +1,48 @@
defmodule Lkn.Core.Puppet do
+ @moduledoc """
+ A specialized module to easily implement Map, one of the two kind of Entities
+ used by lkn.
+ This module provides the `defmap/2` macro, to easily define a module which
+ implements the `Lkn.Core.Entity` behaviour module.
+ Defining a new map is pretty easy, at it can be seen as some kind of key-value
+ store. First, the `@components` annotation has to be used to define the set of
+ components the map can be abstracted away with. Then, the
+ `Lkn.Core.Entity.init_properties/1` behaviour function needs to be
+ implemented.
+ Finally, the `defmap/2` macro user needs to implement a `start_link`
+ functions, that is only a proxy to `Lkn.Core.Entity.start_link/3`; the last
+ argument being the arguments for `init_properties`.
+ Here is an example of a proper use of `defmap/2`.
+ defmap Example.Puppet do
+ @components [Example.Puppet.Sys1Comp, Example.Puppet.Sys1Comp]
+ def start_link(key, args) do
+ Lkn.Core.Entity.start_link(__MODULE__, key, args)
+ end
+ def init_properties(args) do
+ # ...
+ end
+ end
+ """
@typedoc """
A key to identify and reach a Puppet.
@type k :: any
+ @doc """
+ An helper macro to define a Puppet module.
+ The main idea of this macro is to hide the boilerplate required to define a
+ Puppet. Its counterpart`Lkn.Core.Map.defpuppet/2` can be used to define a
+ Map.
+ """
defmacro defpuppet(name, do: block) do
lines = case block do
{:__block__, _, x} -> x